Scotland’s Redress Scheme: contributor list

Organisations participating in the redress scheme by making a fair and meaningful financial contribution. Scotland’s Redress Scheme is for survivors of historical abuse in care.

NHS Scotland Boards


  • NHS 24
  • NHS Ayrshire and Arran
  • NHS Borders
  • NHS Dumfries and Galloway
  • NHS Fife
  • NHS Forth Valley
  • NHS Golden Jubilee
  • NHS Grampian
  • NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • NHS Highland
  • NHS Lanarkshire
  • NHS Lothian
  • NHS National Education Scotland
  • NHS National Services Scotland
  • NHS Orkney
  • NHS Shetland
  • NHS Tayside
  • NHS Western Isles
  • Public Health Scotland
  • Scottish Ambulance Service
  • The State Hospital

Date added to contributor list

23 May 2022

Date removed from contributor list (if relevant): N/A
Removal with retrospective effect (yes/no): N/A

Commitment made

Pay agreed proportion of all determined cases where relevant as a place where abuse took place.

Acknowledgement letter

I write on behalf of NHS Scotland Boards to formally confirm that all 22 Boards have committed to participating in the redress scheme for survivors of historical child abuse in residential care in Scotland via the Redress Payments Determined approach.

We understand that in order to be publicly listed as a scheme contributor, and therefore be included in the waiver provisions, organisations must both contribute a fair and meaningful financial contribution and provide the acknowledgement required by section 14 of the Act. 

We acknowledge the wrongfulness of historical child abuse, and the harm this caused to survivors.  We offer our full and sincere apologies to anyone who suffered harm and abuse while in the care of NHS Scotland.

We, as Scotland’s NHS Boards, recognise that this scheme seeks to acknowledge and provide tangible recognition of past harm, and its impact on survivors.  Participation in the redress scheme is a practical part of our national apology to children who suffered harm while in NHS care.

Further, we recognise that financial redress is only one aspect of acknowledging past harm within care settings for vulnerable children in Scotland.

I hereby confirm in writing that all 22 NHS Scotland Health Boards (detailed below) agree to contribute. Boards will pay for their share of all cases allocated to them, which names an institution ran by them as a relevant care setting. 

All 22 of Scotland’s NHS Boards are fully committed to supporting the Redress Scheme. By contributing to the Scheme, we are setting out the commitment from NHS Scotland to support survivors and take steps to provide some redress for past trauma.

We therefore commit to living our values of care and compassion by pledging to be open, transparent and caring in how we engage with anyone who was in the care of NHS Scotland and who makes an application for a redress payment.

Yours sincerely

Ralph Roberts
Chief Executive, NHS Borders
Chair, NHS Scotland Board Chief Executives



Email enquiries about the statutory scheme:
If you are unsure of the organisation with responsibility for a particular care setting we will do our best to advise. Telephone: 0808 196 1502

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