Genomic medicine strategy 2024 to 2029

Our strategy for transforming genomic medicine across Scotland from 2024 to 2029.

7. Approach to Strategy Development

The SSNGM played a major role in the development of this strategy and, in doing so, developed meaningful engagement and connections with stakeholders across Scotland. Three key cross-cutting themes were identified as priorities for this strategy: 1) workforce and education, 2) data and digital infrastructure, and 3) research, development and innovation. These themes run throughout our strategy and are amongst the core building blocks identified as our primary focus and outlined below. Four specialty areas were also identified as representing urgent priorities within genomic medicine in Scotland: 1) rare and inherited conditions, 2) solid tumours, 3) haematological malignancies and 4) pharmacogenomics.

In total, seven working groups were formed covering each of these themes and specialty areas, bringing in multidisciplinary expertise and representation, and tasked with identifying drivers for change, challenges and opportunities within their field. Each group was then empowered to identify key deliverables that were required to support service improvements.

These deliverables were ranked in terms of priority, including an assessment of the critical dependencies and enablers required to support their implementation. In doing so, each group considered evidence from their own professional networks including specialist survey feedback, speakers and papers from experts across the UK and assessments of national genomic strategies both within and outwith the UK.

Figure 3: Activities and workshops informing the development of our strategic aims.

  • Total of128 members
  • 15 guest presentations
  • Total of 72 survey responses
  • 22 supporting papers provided
  • 33 total meeting hours

The deliverables were then aligned into strategic aims as set out within the Executive Summary. Throughout the drafting of this strategy, input was also sought from a range of stakeholders including working group members, policy makers across the UK, NHS Boards, patient advocacy and support groups, PHS, third sector organisations, academic partners and industry association groups. This approach, and the commitment from those involved across the working groups, have allowed us to develop an informed and ambitious strategy which will serve the people of Scotland for many years to come.


We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who generously gave their time, energy and expertise to help with the development of this strategy by participating in working groups, providing expert opinion and reviewing drafts as part of the consultation process.



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