Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029 draft: partial EQIA

This partial Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) (including Fairer Scotland Duty) for Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019 to 2029 outlines our assessment of how the draft Forestry Strategy may impact on equality, including socio-economic disadvantage.

Section 6: Monitoring

Describe how you will monitor the impact of this policy, practice or project e.g. performance indicators used, other monitoring arrangements, who will monitor progress, criteria used to measure achievement of outcomes:

The draft strategy for consultation includes a number of possible progress indicators. The following related questions will be asked in the consultation:

Q7. Do you think the proposed progress indicators are the right ones? Please explain your answer.

Q8. Do you have any suggestions for other indicators we could use to measure progress (especially ones which draw on existing data)?

Q9. For any indicators suggested in answer to question Q8, please explain why you think they would be appropriate.

We will review this partial EQIA once the consultation process is complete, and again when the final strategy is published, along with its progress indicators.

Scottish Ministers are required to keep this strategy under review. This will include 3-yearly reports that we will lay before Scottish Parliament. In line with this, the EQIA will be reviewed every 3 years.

When and how is the policy, practice or project due to be reviewed?

Scottish Ministers are required to keep this strategy under review and begin the process of revising the strategy no later than 9 years after its publication.


Email: Bob Frost

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