Management Proposals of Inshore Fisheries Groups

Consultation on the initiatives developed by Inshore Fisheries Groups with the potential for environmental impact.

Annex A - Management Measures Proposed by IFGs

Management Measures Proposed by IFGs with Potential for Significant Environmental Effects

The attached list briefly summarises initiatives developed by the six pilot IFGs which are thought to have the potential for environmental impact. They are explored in depth in the accompanying Environmental Report.

Management Proposals

Fisheries accreditation

Increase minimum landing size

  • Brown Crab
  • Velvet Crab
  • Lobster
  • Nephrops
  • Crawfish
  • Razor fish (from 110mm to 175mm)

Lobsters - reduce maximum landing size for females

Crawfish - establish best practice maximum landing size

Berried fish:

  • Return and v-notch berried lobsters
  • Return berried creel caught Nephrops
  • Crawfish - no landing of berried females
  • Velvet Crab - return berried females

Hobby fishermen - controlling or monitoring of activity

  • Creel limits need clear signage and where appropriate quota restrictions
  • Monitor activity and ensure clear creel marking
  • The above applies to Nephrops/Lobster/Crabs/ Scallops

Access/regulatory measures for licensed fishermen in IFG areas:

  • Cap creel vessel numbers
  • Nephrops permits; closed areas
  • Introduce permit for shellfisheries
  • Effort control within shellfish licensed fleet
  • Review access arrangements in all fisheries ( e.g. zoning/spatial management and consultation code)

Data gathering measures/ Investigate potential for new fisheries:

  • Develop fisheries with appropriate management measures (Cockles, Mussels, Winkles, Oysters, Scallops, Razorfish)
  • Develop pilot fisheries with appropriate management measures (Brown shrimp, Paelamon Prawns, Squat lobsters, Otter shell, other Bivalves)
  • Scientific surveys to establish whether a fishery can be established (Bivalve, Sprat, Brown/Pink shrimp, Smelt)
  • New fisheries & unmanaged fisheries - Surveys to collect baseline data which can be used to calculate fishing effort.
  • Determine biological status of stocks (Brown crab, Velvet crab)
  • Scallops - Investigate cause of scallop decline where appropriate
  • Investigate whether existing fishery can be developed based on sound management (Squid, Cockles)
  • Stock assessments for under-utilised species
  • Sprat fishery - determine and evaluate the economic viability of development of sprat fishery within the area
  • Whelk - Investigate whelk stock in area
  • Lobster - Establish lobster stock's status to establish possible management measures
  • Green Crab - establish importance of commercial fishery
  • Mussel - determine if significant sub tidal mussel beds exist with the MFIFG area; establish importance of commercial fishery within area to determine developing opportunities
  • Native Oyster - Investigate whether existing fishery can be developed based on sound management
  • Queen scallop - establish if scallops can be developed as a targeted fishery or form a by-catch from other fishing activity
  • Clam fishery - Investigate whether existing fishery can be developed based on sound management
  • Plaice - establish stocks in local area
  • Clam - identify stocks within the area and determine if existing fishery can be developed
  • Seek to secure appropriate funding and support for the development of sustainable fishing techniques, exploratory fishery trials, stock assessment/dynamic research and market evaluation of market opportunities for under-utilised species
  • Investigate the potential for jigging and squid fishery
  • Cockles - Develop cockle fisheries - surveys of cockle beds
  • Razorfish - Stock surveys to develop fishery
  • Squid and Crawfish - Pilot fishery with Marine Scotland observers to gather data
  • Velvet crab - establish scientific base for fishery
  • Wrasse fishery - Establish scientific base to Identify management requirements in the developing wrasse fishery
  • Catch sampling of crab, lobster, velvet crab and Nephrops

Ensure appropriate use of collected fisheries data

Brown Shrimp - identify vessels to take part in pilot fishery

Fishing gear/methods:

  • Evaluate effects of increased creel mesh size & escape panels
  • Explore funding for new fishing techniques/trials
  • Razorfish - In addition to local reporting, initiate a wider scientific research programme and investigate the potential for specialised gear to be developed and used in razor fishery
  • Investigate static gear only zones for Nephrops in areas with multiple resource use
  • Support for new gear for pilot fisheries
  • Promote use of eco - dredge; scallop dredgers to work to UK Scallop Code of Conduct

Participate in national and regional management of Nephrops

Investigate separate management of Moray Firth functional unit


  • Monitor by catch discards
  • Explore limiting quota allocation or specifying gear type to reduce by-catch/discards/poor stock quality
  • Haddock - develop reporting system to record discard levels and develop management measures haddock by catch
  • Reduce discards - cod recovery

Establish fisheries:

  • Develop Mackerel and/or Herring Fishery/ Establish a small scale mackerel and herring fishery
  • Establish a small scale sprat fishery
  • Investigate winter cod fishery
  • Lobster stock enhancement
  • Squid - seek review of current prohibitions
  • Wrasse - Ensure any potential wrasse fishery is carried out responsibly

Landing and supporting infrastructure - ensure requirements of fishing fleet are identified

Support fuel efficiency measures


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