Social care - Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation: call for evidence analysis

Evidence analysis report from the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR) of social care support in Scotland's call for evidence which sets out the findings from the call for evidence submissions and notes from the engagement events.


1. A 'large minority' indicates a viewpoint given by between 25% and 50% of the respondents to a question; see methodology section for explanations of other quantitative terms used.

2. Most autistic people in the UK do not use person first language.

3. Groups of people who have traditionally had lower levels of engagement with, or participation in, policy, practice and services; or whose voices have not been heard in the process of policy development or service design.

4. A 'large minority' indicates a viewpoint given by between 25% and 50% of the respondents to a question; see methodology section for explanations of other quantitative terms used.

5. Some of these professions are already subject to registration via SSSC.

6. It is agreed the Care Inspectorate will be inspecting these in future.

7. Some elements of these services are already subject to inspection, scrutiny, and regulation.

8. The Charter of Involvement has been developed by the National Involvement Network. It sets out in their own words how supported people want to be involved, in the support that they get, in the organisations that provide their services, in the wider community.



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