The Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000: Learning From Experience

This report presents findings from a project examining the operation of Parts 2, 3 and 6 of the Act, which explored implementation, usage levels and people's experiences of using the legislations.

THE Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000: LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE


Lorna Brownlee, Civil Law Division, Scottish Executive Justice Department (Chair)
John Armstrong, COSLA
Julie Barr, Office of the Public Guardian
Juliet Cheetham, Mental Welfare Commission
Matthew Cormack, Public Health Division, Scottish Executive Health Department
Angela Hallam, Social Research, Scottish Executive
George Kappler, Social Work Services Inspectorate, Scottish Executive
Jan Killeen, Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia (Consultancy Leader)
Anita Morrison, Social Research, Scottish Executive
Fiona Myers, Scottish Development Centre for Mental Health (Consultancy Senior Researcher)
Fiona MacDonald, Social Research, Scottish Executive (Consultancy Manager)
Dave McLeod, Community Care Division, Scottish Executive Health Department
Sarah Stewart, Civil Law Division, Scottish Executive Justice Department

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