Social Security Experience Panels: disability benefit names - visual summary

Social Security Experience Panels members' views on renaming disability benefits when they are transferred from UK Department for Work and Pensions to Social Security Scotland.

Words Social Security Scotland should avoid

We also asked respondents if there are any words that Social Security Scotland should avoid using when naming a benefit.

Respondents said that Social Security Scotland should avoid stigmatizing and discriminatory terms which label and segregate those in receipt of it.

Respondents highlighted words such as ‘disabled’, ‘disability’, ‘benefit’ and ‘allowance’.

  • “Disability, Allowance. Anything negative or patronising or segregating or disabling or stigmatising. The names should reflect their aim, which is to enable and to support.”
  • “People with disabilities are people first and foremost so any name should reflect this. It is reductionist to have titles which reduce people to just this one set of characteristics. I think the titles should reflect accurately who and what the benefit is for.”

Respondents also said that ambiguous words should be avoided. These can be confusing and cause barriers to eligible people applying.



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