Social Security Experience Panels: agency opening hours

Panel members' views on the opening times and contact preferences for Social Security Scotland.


Many of the Experience Panel members who responded to this survey expressed a preference to be able to contact the agency outside of usual working hours. Half of respondents said that they would want to be able to contact the agency 'sometimes', 'most of the time' or 'all of the time' between 8am and 9am. And overall, around two thirds (67 per cent) would want to be able to contact the agency after 5pm. Fewer felt they would need to contact the agency after 8pm, but this, but this still accounted for almost one in five participants (19 per cent).

Participants suggested that being able to unable to contact DWP caused a large amount of stress and anxiety. Being able to contact the new agency when they needed to resolve issues or get advice would go some way to reducing the stress currently experienced by participants.

Participants showed a strong desire for digital methods of contact such as email and web-chat. This was for a range of reasons, including having a written record and because it was less taxing on their health. There was also strong demand for more traditional contact methods such as telephone, post and in person, with many participants commenting on the need to maintain accessibility for those who are not comfortable using a computer.

Finally, participants suggested the method of contact should be suitable and appropriate for the reason they were contacting the agency. They reported expecting clear guidance on what you can and cannot do through different communication methods.


Email: James Miller

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