Scottish House Condition Survey: Methodology Notes 2022

Information on the definition and methods of derivation of key indicators measured through the Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) which apply to the reporting of 2022 data.


The purpose of this document is to provide information on the definition and methods of derivation of key indicators measured through the Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) which apply to the reporting of 2022 data. It also provides an summary of the 2022 SHCS sample[1].

This document is periodically updated to reflect changes in definitions and methods used in SHCS reports. The last time substantial methodological changes were made was with the reporting of 2019 data, when there was an update to energy modelling and new presentation on disrepair data.

In the reporting of 2021 data, there was an update to fuel poverty analysis to fully meet the definition of fuel poverty as laid out in the Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy)(Scotland) Act 2019, the Fuel Poverty (Enhanced Heating) (Scotland) Regulations 2020 and Fuel Poverty (Additional Amount in respect of Remote Rural Area, Remote Small Town and Island Area) (Scotland) Regulations 2020. As the 2021 SHCS was published as experimental statistics the 2022 publication represents the first official statistics using the full definition of fuel poverty. This is outlined in the Fuel Poverty Section of this paper.

The 2022 fuel poverty rates also reflect changes to Broad group eligibility for the Warm Home Discout, and include any income received through Cost of Living Payements for eligible households, and energy bill reductions through the Energy Bill Support Scheme.

The 2022 Key Findings also includes an update to the tolerable standard including the criteria on fire and carbon monoxide alarms were added by the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 (Tolerable Standard) (Extension of Criterion) Order 2019. This is laid out in the Tolerable Standard methodology notes and the disrepair chapter of the main publication.


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