Scottish Health Survey - topic report: UK comparisons

The Scottish Health Survey: Topic Report UK Comparisons


Our first thank you is to the over 40,000 men and women in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland who gave up their time voluntarily to take part in the surveys reported here.

We also owe a huge debt of gratitude to the interviewers who conducted the surveys for the dedication and professionalism they applied to their work.

We would also like to thank those colleagues who helped in the preparation of this report: Joan Corbett at ScotCen and Faiza Tabassum at UCL for assisting with statistical analysis; Mireille Ferrandon at ScotCen for assisting with quality assurance; Jenny Mindell at UCL, and Rachel Craig and Melanie Doyle-Francis at NatCen, for advice on the survey methods in England and Wales.

Finally, special thanks are due to Julie Ramsay and Jan Cassels in the Scottish Government Health Directorates for commissioning and overseeing this work; and to Iain MacAllister of the Scottish Government; Steven Webster and his colleagues at the NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care; Cath Roberts of the Health Statistics and Analysis Unit, Welsh Assembly Government; and Stuart Bennett of the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency; all of whom provided valuable comments on earlier drafts. Responsibility for all analyses and conclusions lies with the authors.

Catherine Bromley, Nicola Shelton

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