Scotland's Redress Scheme - waiver on participation: impact assessment report

Our assessment of the impact of the waiver on applications for redress and the effectiveness of the waiver in encouraging public authorities, voluntary organisations, and others, to become Scheme contributors.

Appendix D: Provider Survey

1. Are you responding on behalf of an organisation listed as a Scheme contributor?

Yes – No

2. How significant was/is the waiver in reaching your decision on whether or not to become a contributor to the Scheme?

Very important – somewhat important – not very important – Not at all important

3. Please explain your answer

4. What other factors were significant, other than the waiver, in deciding whether or not to become a contributor to the Scheme?

5. Had the waiver not been included within the Scheme, how likely would it have been for your organisation to decide to become a contributor?

Very likely – fairly likely – not very likely – not at all likely

6. Please explain your answer

7. When considering whether or not to become a contributor to the Scheme, did you consider what, if any, impact the waiver may have on applications to the Scheme and how did this effect your considerations?

8. Thinking about any negative impact of the waiver on the number of applications to the Scheme, please provide any views on how these could be reduced.

9. Since becoming a contributor, to your knowledge, have any applicants who received a redress payment attempted to pursue civil action against you despite the existence of the waiver?

Not a Scheme contributor – Yes – No

10. Are you aware you can section 88 of the Act provides provisions to discover whether an applicant has signed a waiver and, if so, the information contained in that waiver?

Yes – no

11. If you have made use of those provisions, can you describe your experience of the process of identifying the existence of a signed waiver and how it could be improved

12. Please provide any other comments you may have on the impact of the waiver on either applications to the Scheme, or in encouraging public authorities, voluntary organisations and other persons to become Scheme contributors.



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