Scotland Heat Map: information

Documents and guidance to support use of the Scotland Heat Map. The heat map is a resource for assessing heat demand and supply opportunities across Scotland.

Public sector data sharing agreement

The Public Sector Data Sharing Agreement (PS-DSA) is the agreement under which we share heat map data with local authorities and other public sector organisations such as Zero Waste Scotland.

Public sector organisations that don’t yet use the heat map but would like to can register their interest in accessing the data via the PS-DSA by emailing

Please note the PS-DSA was introduced in November 2023. Previously, data was shared with LAs under a data sharing agreement known as the ‘Framework Agreement’.

We ask local authorities and other public sector organisations that are signatories of the PS-DSA to provide us with a list of key contacts in their organisation so that we can keep them informed of developments with the Scotland Heat Map. We gather contact details using our Public Sector Contact form in the supporting documents section. Completed forms should be emailed to

Our privacy notice for stakeholder contact details explains how we use contact details provided through this form and other means.



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