Planning Circular 7/2007: planning applications for outdoor sports facilities and open space 2007

More information on the policy changes announced in SPP 11: Open Space and Physical Activity.


3. SPP 11 also announces new procedures relating to the control of development affecting outdoor sports facilities. As a result, planning authorities are now required to consult sportscotland on any application for planning permission for development which is likely to lead to the loss, or prejudice the use, of certain outdoor sports facilities (either in current use or last used for that purpose). Planning authorities will, in addition, now be required to notify Scottish Ministers when they intend to approve an application for such a development to which sportscotland has objected or has recommended conditions which the planning authority does not intend to impose. The types of outdoor sports facilities to which these consultation and notification requirements apply are:

  • playing fields of 0.2ha or greater used for any sport played on a pitch;
  • athletics tracks;
  • golf courses;
  • tennis courts, other than those within a private dwelling, hotel or other tourist accommodation; and
  • bowling greens.


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