Planning performance statistics 2020/2021: quarterly (April 2020 to September 2020)

This report presents summary statistics on planning application decision-making timescales for April to September 2020, as well as historic data back to 2016/17. It is based on data collected from Local and Planning Authorities as part of the Planning Performance Framework (introduced in 2012).

10. Legacy Cases

One legacy case was decided in each of the first two quarters. In quarter one the decided application was not subject to a processing agreement while the legacy application in quarter two was subject to a processing agreement. 

Tables 4 to 7 show the legacy cases decided in the first six months of 2020/21 by planning authority and development type. 

Quarter 1 2020/21 - Decided legacy applications without processing agreements

Table 4
Local Authority Number of Legacy Cases Average Decision Time (weeks)
West Lothian1 1 298.9
Total  1 298.9
Table 5

Development Type

Number of Legacy Cases

Average Decision Time (weeks)

Housing - Local1






Quarter 2 2020/21 - Decided legacy applications with processing agreements


Table 6
Local Authority Number of Legacy Cases % Meeting Agreed Timescales
East Lothian 1 100
Total  1 100
Table 7
Development Type Number of Legacy Cases % Meeting Agreed Timescales
Housing - Local 1 100
Total  1 100

1. These legacy cases had time removed from the decision time calculation where delays were caused by the applicant or external consultees, outwith the planning authority's control.



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