Planning performance statistics 2019/2020: quarterly (October to March)

Summary statistics on planning decision-making and timescales for April 2019 to March 2020 with historic data going back to 2015/2016. It is based on data we collect from local and planning authorities as part of the Planning Performance Framework (introduced in 2012).

10. Legacy Cases

One legacy case was decided in quarter three. The decided application was not subject to a processing agreement. There were no legacy cases decided in quarter four of 2019/20,

Tables 4 and 5 show the legacy cases decided in the final six months of 2019/20 by planning authority and development type.

Quarter 3 2019/20 - Decided legacy applications without processing agreements

Table 4
Local Authority Number of Legacy Cases Average Decision Time (weeks)
South Lanarkshire 1 536.0
Total 1 536.0
Table 5
Development Type Number of Legacy Cases Average Decision Time (weeks)
Housing - Major 1 536.0
Total 1 536.0



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