National Care Service consultation: discussion events summaries

A series of national online engagement events were held between August and November 2021 for people to share their views on the National Care Service consultation.

26 October 2021

  • Theme of discussion: all aspects of the consultation
  • Time: 09:30-11:00
  • Discussions leader(s): Anna Kynaston


This is a summary of the key points raised by attendees at this session.  None of the points have been attributed to individuals as the purpose was to encourage broad and open discussion.  The summaries for all the national events will be provided to the independent contractor undertaking the consultation analysis.

Points raised at event

  • Who will CHSCBs procure social care services from?  If local authorities have no statutory duty to provide services, they can back away from it entirely.  Want to clarify that CHSCBs would be able to provide services directly, including assessment, and have staff etc.  What about community health – would GPs, district nursing etc not be part of NHS? 
  • Criticism that consultation lacks option appraisal, of options including possibility of single body for health and social care, and introduces new boundaries between NHS, CHSCBs, and local authorities.
  • Residential short stay service, taking people from different areas – when people stay there they become part of the local health provision, have some oversight from local authority.  How will this work for them. 
  • Proposals for national care record – could be very helpful.  Need single system where particular workers can only access the information they need, but everyone has access to the latest information as necessary.
  • Issues with GP service in a village community.  Looking at that becoming a hub for local services.  How would NCS proposals and a national service affect that and where would GP service lie in the NCS?  Consultation does not provide enough detail.
  • How can third sector organisations fit into the system when they provide support that might not be specifically procured as a service?
  • There is a transition at 65 from adult to older people’s services, which can mean people get less appropriate services.
  • Linkages between all bodies at community level are important.  Still have to work through the detail of that and ensure we maintain flexibility at local levels.
  • Recognise need for change, but concerned about disruption caused by restructuring.  Need to be very clear whether improvements could be made within existing system.
  • Could NCS consider transition of service when people move from one age group to another? Example of older people being not eligible to access best service for them when move from being 64 years old to 65 years old.
  • Concerns that NCS set up may affect service, and issues raised may be lost in interim period. So NCS must be a better service that resolves issues to justify this disruption.
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