Longitudinal Educational Outcomes (LEO) from Universities: 2016-17: Scotland

This Official Statistics release presents employment and earnings outcomes for graduates of higher education five years after graduation.


Table 2 shows the median total earnings for graduates from Scottish Institutions five years after graduation split by gender and disability. It shows that individuals who graduated in 2010/11 with no known disability were earning £27,300 in 2016/17 compared to £25,000 for disabled individuals.

It shows that males earn more than females both for those with no known disability and those who are disabled. Males who graduated in 2010/11 with no known disability were earning £29,300 in 2016/17 compared to £26,200 for females with no known disability. Disabled males who graduated in 2010/11 were earning £26,600 in 2016/17 compared to £24,000 for disabled females.

The recorded type of disability that a student has is on the basis of the student's own self-assessment. See ‘Methodology’ section for more information.

Table 2: Median total earnings of graduates* by disability status and gender five years after graduation, 2016/17 tax year

Disability Median total earnings 2010/11 cohort (£)
Male Female Scotland
No known disability 29,300 26,200 27,300
Disabled 26,600 24,000 25,000

*UK domiciled First degree qualifiers 2010/11. Hours worked are not taken into account.
In line with HESA’s collection policy, where it is not known whether or not a student has a disability, the student will be recorded as ‘No known disability’. See HESA’s website for more details: https://www.hesa.ac.uk/collection/c16051/a/disable.


Email: FHEstatistics@gov.scot

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