Financial planning for large hospital services and hosted services: guidance

Guidance on the financial aspects of delegated services provided in 'large hospitals' and the treatment of hosted services included in delegated functions.

Annex B: Health and Social Care Data Intelligence and Intelligence Project

National Services Scotland (NSS) has been commissioned to work in partnership with the Scottish Government, NHS Boards, Local Authorities and others to develop strategic planning datasets: the Health and Social Care Data Integration and Intelligence Project (HSCDIIP) will provide linked individual level longitudinal health and social care data via a secure storage solution for each Integration Authority; in summary, this will:

  • Provide a national social care core dataset with nationally agreed definitions;
  • Provide a secure routine feed of social care data from Local Authorities that is seeded with an individuals Community Health Index (CHI) number;
  • Use the CHI number to routinely link data to existing national data sources with derived person/activity level costs;
  • Develop a data storage solution to allow access to these data with appropriate information governance safeguards;
  • Develop a reporting tool that will allow easy analysis and presentation of the data;
  • Underpin all of this with National Data Sharing Arrangements that meet the requirements of the Scottish Accord on the Sharing of Personal Information (SASPI).

In addition, NSS will provide bespoke analytical support and assistance with data interpretation.

The platform will be delivered by through a phased programme working closely with all Health Boards, Local Authorities and Integration Authorities as they are established; it is expected to be available in early 2015/16. In the meantime datasets for Health data and resources are available from NSS using the following link:

The datasets for hospital activity include the following fields:

  • Year
  • Inpatient/Day case
  • Health Board of Residence
  • Hospital name& code
  • Specialty name& code
  • Planned/unplanned admission
  • Age of patient
  • Partnership/Council Area
  • GP Practice name & code
  • Number of Occupied Bed Days
  • Number of Admissions
  • Total Direct Costs
  • Total Allocated Costs
  • Total Net Costs
  • Average Length of Stay
  • Locality



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