Everyone matters: 2020 workforce vision implementation plan 2018-2020

This is the fifth implementation for NHS Boards, Scottish Government and others to deliver the 2020 Workforce Vision strategy.

New actions for Scottish Government and / or other national bodies



Healthy organisational culture

Continued support of iMatter and other staff experience measurements. Work with Boards and HSCPs (where involved) to ensure action is taken on feedback to improve the experience of all staff

Sustainable workforce

Implement an improved national and regional workforce planning system across NHS Scotland, taking account of the need for wider whole system workforce planning in an integrated context across health and social care

Capable workforce

Take forward implementation of the Shape of Training Steering Group's recommendations in Scotland

Workforce to deliver integrated services

Provide support to health and social care partnerships on workforce themes and challenges

Leadership and management

Support delivery of work to implement new end-to-end approach for executive-level leadership and talent management for the NHS in Scotland


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