National Care Service - valuing the workforce: regional forums - easy read findings summary

In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service. The events covered five co-design themes. This easy-read report relates to feedback gathered from the Valuing the Workforce co-design theme events.

Next steps

What’s next for Valuing the workforce

We have collected information about what helps staff do their job well. And how that effects people receiving care.

We will use this information to make a workforce charter. We will design this with people who use and deliver care services.

The workforce charter will support staff to who work in community health and social care.

The charter will aim to make sure support services are delivered by staff who feel valued and rewarded. We will continue to work to make staff feel valued and engaged with.

We will continue to co-design ideas to make workforce culture and leadership better.

What is next for the National Care Service

The Scottish Government wants the National Care Service by 2026. We are now working to improve the social care system.

Events will help us to make the National Care System, its policies, and the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill better.

A Bill is a proposed law that needs to be passed by the Parliament before it could become a law. The Scottish Parliament will vote on the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill in January 2024.

Over the next 18 months we will continue designing the National Care Standards.

We will involve people who have used social care support. We will also involve groups of people whose voices are not being heard.

We will keep improving the social care sector for existing staff and to make it a good profession to work for.

Getting involved

We want to hear from you to as we develop the new National Care Service. If you would like to share your experiences you can join our Lived Experience Expert Panel.

If you join the panel, you will be invited to take part in different things like:

  • surveys
  • interviews
  • discussions

For more information about the National Care Service, visit



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