Coronavirus (Extension and Expiry) (Scotland) Bill: equality impact assessment

Result of the equality impact assessment (EQIA) carried out to consider the impact of the provisions contained in the Coronavirus (Extension and Expiry)(Scotland) Bill.

Recommendations and Conclusions

The Scottish Government has assessed the potential impact of the proposed Bill on equal opportunities and has determined it does not unlawfully directly discriminate with respect to any of the protected characteristics (including age, disability, sex, pregnancy and maternity, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership). Where provision might potentially indirectly impact on equality, the Scottish Government considers the impacts are justified and a proportionate means of achieving the legitimate aim of updating the Government's continued response to the public health emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Scottish Government remains committed to keeping the provisions of the Scottish Acts, as extended by this Bill, under review at all times, under the now established review scheme.



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