Coronavirus (COVID-19): financial support arrangements for social care providers

Guidance on financial support for adult social care providers during the coronavirus pandemic.

Additional costs that can be reimbursed - annex A

Scottish Government has committed to provide funding to continue the costs listed in the table below.

Before providers purchase or arrange for any items not itemised in this Annex, they should discuss with the commissioning Authority.


End date

Social Care Staff Support Fund

31 March 2023

PPE Hubs

30 September 2022

Costs associated with testing, including;

  • additional staff due to staff testing (both PCR and LFD testing), such as ordering, stocktaking, preparation, distribution of kits, and recording data from testing. Any such reasonable administrative costs will fall within the scope of this additional funding being provided to the sector 
  • visitor testing (checking they have tested, distributing tests etc)
  • reasonable additional costs for backfill where it is supporting services from fixed sites to allow staff to test at work

31 March 2023

Costs associated with vaccinations including;

  • where providers incur additional costs as a result of enabling staff to be vaccinated in working time, e.g. backfill, these are reasonable additional costs and within the scope of the additional funding for the sector.
  • additional staff transport costs for vaccinations

31 March 2023

Supporting evidence for additional costs associated with testing and vaccination

In terms of evidence to support payment from HSCPs to providers for these additional costs, relevant extracts from ledger details or management accounts to evidence expenditure should be regarded as sufficient evidence, alongside the provider completing any relevant forms from the commissioning authority to detail the additional costs and signing the declaration form.

Other support available

Where a provider has questions or concerns about financial support,  they should seek advice from their commissioning authority.

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