International development

Engaging the people of Scotland

In our International Development Strategy we make a commitment to engage the people of Scotland in international development work and to boost domestic support.

We are engaging the people of Scotland by:

  • building upon Scotland's history as an outward-facing, humanitarian nation, and boosting domestic support for international development, by providing funding from our IDF, CJF and HEF for a range of Scotland-based organisations, including international Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to partner with overseas organisations
  • raising awareness of global citizenship and of our international development work by providing funding from the IDF to support networking organisations

Networking support

In addition to our support for the Scottish Fair Trade Forum, since 2005 we have also provided core funding of more than £1 million each to two other networking organisations, Scotland's International Development Alliance and the Scotland-Malawi Partnership (SMP), to:

  • work with developing countries , including our partner countries
  • support third-sector links between countries, including our partner countries
  • help build the capacity of NGOs and the wider international development sector in Scotland
  • provide a focal point for sharing information and promoting best practice in development work, including our partner countries

Scotland's International Development Alliance

Scotland's International Development Alliance is a network that unites the international development sector in Scotland to promote effectiveness, influence the policy agenda and strengthen the contribution of Scottish organisations to reducing inequality and poverty worldwide.

The Alliance has a uniquely global reach, with members working in at least 142 countries with a wide range of specialisms. It has more than 120 members, and under its new 2017 to 2020 strategy is seeking to attract new members, not only from NGOs but also from other organisations, companies and individuals who endorse their vision and mission and subscribe to their values. The Alliance's vision is of a Scotland increasingly committed to creating a fairer world that is free from poverty, injustice and environmental threats.

The Scotland-Malawi Partnership

The Scotland-Malawi Partnership (SMP) is the national civil society network in Scotland for co-ordinating, supporting and representing the people-to-people links between our two countries.

We have supported both the SMP and its Malawi-based sister organisation, the Malawi Scotland Partnership (MaSP), for over a decade. Since then, with our support, the SMP's membership has grown to more than 1,000 people across Scotland, all of whom have active links with Malawi. This includes local authorities, universities and colleges, schools, churches, hospitals, businesses, charities, NGOs and community-based organisations all over Scotland. MaSP is similarly developing strongly. The common thread that unites both SMP and MaSP members is their belief in partnership, friendship and solidarity.

2017 to 2020 funding

From 2017 to 2020 we provided Scotland's International Development Alliance with core funding of £644,440, and the Scotland Malawi Partnership with core funding of £735,664.

We also provided core funding to the MaSP of £355,554 for the same period.

End of year reports for each of these organisations are published below:

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