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Showing 339 news items about Housing

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  1. Licensing scheme opens for short-term lets

    Measures to establish consistent standards across the country.

  2. Accessing help for cost of living

    New website provides ‘one stop shop’ for advice and information.

  3. Homes for displaced people from Ukraine

    Increasing the supply of available housing.

  4. Rent freeze focus of Programme for Government

    Ministers act to protect people in cost crisis.

  5. Cost Crisis Programme for Government

    Scottish Child Payment increased from 14 November.

  6. Homelessness Statistics, 2021-22

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  7. Improvements to shared equity housing scheme

    Veterans and disabled people among those to benefit.

  8. Super Sponsor Scheme assists more than 10,000 Ukrainians

    Second passenger ship to provide additional accommodation.

  9. Controlling short-term lets

    Planning permission required for Edinburgh’s short-term let conversions.

  10. Transforming heating in homes

    Zero direct emission plans for all new buildings. 

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