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Showing 1373 news items about Health and social care

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  1. Addressing women’s health inequalities

    NHS Scotland launches national Menopause and Menstrual Health Workplace Policy.

  2. Lifesaving overdose-reversal scheme

    Pharmacies expand access to naloxone kits.

  3. Support for young people affected by drugs

    Charity launches expansion of services in Scotland.

  4. National Mission on Drugs Annual Report

    Minister welcomes progress in key areas.

  5. Extra support for NHS for winter

    £50 million to build Scottish Ambulance Service capacity.

  6. Funding for The Promise

    Supporting partnership projects. 

  7. £100 million to reduce waiting times

    Plans to cut inpatient/day-case waiting lists by 100,000.

  8. Healthcare awareness campaign launched

    Where to go for help over winter.

  9. Support for people with neurological conditions

    Investment for eight projects in latest funding round.

  10. Funding for Motor Neuron Disease research

    New fellowship for study into causes and treatments.

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