SRDP 2014 - 2020 Monitoring and Evaluation Steering Group


This group is no longer active.


The group's remit is to:

  • advise on the specific monitoring and evaluation activities to be undertaken during the course of the programme, including quality assuring external evaluations undertaken
  • provide input to ongoing monitoring and evaluation activities where appropriate, drawing on the expert knowledge on the members of the group
  • assist in identifying and agreeing how some of the gaps in the reporting data can be best addressed
  • advise and assist in the dissemination of the key results from the monitoring and evaluation activities in order to inform stakeholders of the performance of the programme

The group consists of officials from the Scottish Government as well external stakeholders and delivery partners.


The results from the monitoring and evaluation activities will be reported to the Rural Development Operational Committee (RDOC) which will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the SRDP. 

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