Race Equality Action Plan: programme board


This group is no longer active.


The Race Equality Action Plan Programme Board works to ensure delivery on the six themes of the Race Equality Action Plan (REAP), part of the Race Equality Framework.

Specifically, the Programme Board is responsible for:

  • providing senior level commitment and support for the delivery of the actions arising from the plan

  • providing strategic direction and organisational context for embedding race equality in Scottish Government policies and practices

  • appointing Senior Responsible Officers (SRO) for the REAP operational Delivery Group to act as the lead policy official

  • sharing learning and best practice to ensure activities focus on securing real impact

  • agreeing priorities and participating in high level assessments of shared outcomes and risk

Frequency of meetings

The Board will meet on a quarterly basis for at least the length of the REAP. 

Progress so far

The first meeting of the Board took place in August 2018, and the second meeting in October 2018. 

A report on the progress of actions to date will be published after the REAP Conference being held in December 2018.


  • Paul Johnston, Director-General Education, Communities and Justice (Chair)
  • Laic Khalique, Deputy Non-Executive Director
  • Dominic Munro, Director for Fair Work, Employability and Skills
  • Sean Neill, Deputy Director, Health Workforce
  • Shirley Laing, Interim Director for Housing and Social Justice
  • Graeme Logan, Director of Learning
  • Stephen Gallagher, Director for Local Government and Communities
  • Nicola Richards, Director, People Directorate
  • Gavin Henderson, Deputy Director Civil Law and Legal System Division 
  • Joe Griffin, Director for Early Learning and Childcare (representing the SG Race Equality Network)
  • David Wallace, Chief Executive, Social Security Agency
  • Kaliani Lyle, Independent member

External stakeholders

External experts may be invited to attend specific meetings to provide detailed insight into their specialist areas.


Secretariat is provided by the Equality Unit. 




Email: Harold.Dozier@gov.scot

Telephone: 0131 244 4902 


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