Digital Health and Care Data Strategy Working Group


This group is no longer active.


Data is at the heart of our health and social care systems, while collecting, sharing and analysing data can help identify disease earlier, support independent living and make services more effective. It's important that people are at the heart of any developments and that trust is built in how our data is stored and used. Acknowledging the importance of data, we are now working to create Scotland’s first Data Strategy for Health and Social Care. The Digital Health and Care (DHAC) Data Strategy Working Group had been established in order to drive the development of this new data strategy.

The group will work together to:

  • agree engagement plans and key topics for the strategy
  • approve commissions necessary
  • provide advice
  • agree the vision for the future of Scotland’s health and care data

The work will be overseen by the soon-to-be stood up DHAC Data Board, which will provide the oversight to the working group. A full public engagement programme will follow as part of the development of the strategy.


  • Colin Birchenall, Local Government Digital Office (Chair)
  • Simon Crawley, Scottish Government, DHAC Policy (Secretariat)
  • Ryan Anderson, Scottish Government, DHAC Policy
  • Elena Beratarbide, Scottish Government, DHAC Head of Information Assurance and Risk
  • Doreen Grove, Scottish Government, Head of Open Government
  • Alistair Hodgson, Scottish Government, Head of Digital Health and Care Policy
  • Joint Heads of Health and Social Care Analysis, Scottish Government
  • Imme Jones, Scottish Government, DHAC Policy
  • Albert King, Scottish Government, Chief Data Officer
  • Adam Lang, NESTA, Data Dialogues
  • Penni Rocks, Scottish Government, DHAC Head of Information Governance and Assurance
  • Ruth Meyer, Scottish Government, Unit Head, Data and Digital Division, Directorate for Social Care and National Care Services Development
  • Ruth Griffith, COSLA, Policy Manager, Digital health and Care
  • Shona Nicol, Scottish Government, Team leader, Data Standards
  • Mark Simpson, Scottish Government, Policy Team leader
  • Gemma Wilson, Scottish Government, Senior Policy Officer




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